Journey to Becoming a Morning Person

Discover your why. Embrace. Make it all that you are.

I am not a morning person. Never have been. Highschool, college, and even my first big kid job (night shift nurse), I thrived at night, and slept in (until 12-1pm!).

That all changed when I had kids and needed to function at early morning hours. But even now, I still stay up late when I can and sleep in when I can get away with it. When my kids go to school at 6:30am (yes, the bus comes that early!), I crawl into bed and sleep for another hour. I’ve always seemed to be sluggish to wake.

I will start my journey to becoming a morning person on July 17th. I will venture to make it my norm, embrace it, and continue through the coming years to increase productivity and help grow some confidence in myself. I overall see myself as a good mother, a good wife, a good friend, daughter, employee, etc. but I want to become great at all those things. I want to be the best version of myself and I want to thrive.

Potential Benefits to becoming a morning person:
1. Increase productivity
2. Increase energy
3. Decrease stress
4. Increase self-care time
5. Increase activity level (by starting exercise routine)

I will document my journey to becoming a morning person. What obstacles I encounter along the way, what helped, what didn’t, and what benefits I find along the way.

Day 1: Monday July 17, 2023

Woah, what a rough start! I rolled out of bed at 5:19am. The goal was 5am, so I guess I can't be too mad about that. I did not do any prep work in this attempt at becoming a morning person. Zero, zip, none. I think I was all in my head last night thinking about how I wouldn't wake up and be mad at myself in the morning. Basically already doubting myself, and setting myself up for failure before I even started. OK- time to shift my attitude. Maybe I need to start doing some prep work the night before to decrease my anxiety and negative thoughts. Manifestation mantras, meditation, journaling?

Phew, OK, time to take a step back and focus on PREPARING myself before trying to jump right in. Also, I should give myself some credit for still waking up at 5:19am and writing this post before going to work. Even folded my laundry that was lingering over from the weekend.

Still have some work to do though. Will report back at the end of the week (Friday, Saturday?) and see how I've been doing. Give some advice to myself for the coming weeks, and hopefully you all can learn from my mistakes. Stay tuned!

OK, the follow up... I came back and talked a little about my week 1. Not great, but at least I'm trying, and will continue to do so. Here is a follow up on my Week 1 of Becoming a Morning Person. Spoiler alert, it didn’t go great. Keep in touch, though, because I plan to challenge myself and continue with this journey. :)


Week One: Trying to Become a Morning Person