Journal Prompts for Change and Self Discovery

Changes in life are inevitable, but that doesn’t make them easy, fair, or always exciting. New things can be scary and challenging.

Knowing that you need to make a change but unsure of what you specifically need can be frustrating. These journal prompts are ones to help figure out what you would like/ or need to change about your life, and also help guide you through the inevitable changes life throws your way.

1.       What are a few things you genuinely worry about?

2.       What are some bad habits about yourself that you would change if there wasn’t any work involved in changing? (magic genie grants you three wishes; snap your fingers, etc)

3.       What are some bad habits about yourself that you would like to change even though they involve a lot of work and planning?

4.       Describe how you would like to live if you weren’t afraid of what others thought about you.

5.       What do you think makes you afraid of people’s viewpoints for living that way?

6.       What is one small step you can take towards the life you want?

7.       What good habits do you currently have that make you happy?

8.       Who is the most important person in your life right now?

9.       Who was the most important person in your life when you were a child?

10.   What is your favorite self-care activity?

11.   What is one activity or hobby you would like to get involved with if money, time, and/or childcare were not an issue?

12.   What achieved goal or feat are you most proud of?

13.   What are the top 5 things that bring you happiness?

14.   What is your ideal outcome for the change occurring in your life?

15.   What one small (or big) step can you take towards achieving this ideal outcome?

16.   Who is someone you can lean on to help out with you achieving this goal?

17.   What is the worst outcome that could happen with you trying to reach this goal?

18.   What set backs would you need to overcome if you were to fail?

19.   When you were a child, what was the “adult thing” you were looking forward to the most (driving a car, getting married, having a job, etc)?

20.   What emotions have you been feeling towards this change in your life?


20 Morning Journal Prompt Ideas for Beginners